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Saturday 19th to Sunday 20th May 1979

click here to see the log

Novices Camp 1979: Text

Log book entries from Troop Log and Glip's log

19th-20th May

Leaders  Glip, Alistair Cram, Kenny Paton, John Hennessey + others?

PL       Willie Grant, Guy Grant, Colin Terris+ others?

APLs   David Eadie + others?

Scouts Andrew Wilson (Raljex),  Colin Roach (Shrew), Andrew Davies, Kevin Byng, Donald Lamond, Kenny McRae, Glen Grant, Kenny Hyde, Brian McCready, Alistair McCready, Robbie Mochrie, John Kerr, Kenny Kerr + others?

Weather:  Sunny


Unfortunately, neither of the two source logs provide any details of Novices Camp. Slides indicate that there were training bases in axe and saw, fire lighting, hike tent pitching etc. Other activities included archery and abseiling.


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